
If a Person Lives Out of The Area, Can They Still be Named an Executor of a Will?

  Yes. When you’re creating your will and you’re naming your personal representative (executor), if they are related to you, they can…

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Can Medicaid Take our House for Reimbursement?

If theMedicaid Planning process is done properly, no they will not be able to take your Homestead property. Homestead here in Florida is…

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How Vulnerable is a Home to a Lawsuit?

Here in Florida, we have something called homestead. If your house, if that house is your homestead, it is protected from creditors…

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How do I fund a Trust

Funding the trust is actually probably the most important part of the process. If the trust is not funded, if the assets…

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For a Person on Medicaid, What is the Personal Needs Allowance?

When an individual’s on medicaid here in the state of Florida, all of your income goes as a copay to the facility,…

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Do we Need to go Through Probate if there is a Valid and Non Contested Will?

Yes, having a will means you’re going to go through probate, a will is the car you drive through the town called probate,…

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Can a Person Receive Medicaid Benefits at Home?

Can a Person Receive Medicaid Benefits at Home? Yes, you can most definitely receive Medicaid benefits at home. In fact, most people…

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The Medicaid Asset Protection Trust

Ongoing healthcare is a pain point for many seniors and their families. The financial uncertainty created by rising healthcare costs and the…

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Conversation Starter: Enter the Digital Wallet Era

Digital payment methods are growing in popularity and Venmo is one of the most popular. It allows you to transfer money digitally…

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